Tuesday, January 24, 2012

New Semester, New Plans

Hey Guys!! So when I wrote my last post, I only had 7 subscribers, now i'm up to 14! Thankyou so much!! You ladies have no idea how happy seeing that more people want to read what I have to say!! You are all awesome! Thanks so much! I hope my blog entertains you !

So I just started the spring semester on friday, and I'm pretty excited for it. The classes i'm taking are: Renaissance&Reformation, United States Politics, U.S History 102 and English 102. ( I would've taken the US History 102 and English 102 last year, but I changed my major last Spring and never took these.) I only go to class on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays until 12:30, so i'm super pumped. ( I love to go to the gym early, it seems all the meat-head type of guys come in after so i try to go before they get there.)

All of the new school suplies I bought for the new semester. ( I swear a little monster eats all of my pens and highlighters during the semester! ) I really need to up my GPA this semester since last semester was my worst by far. ( Due to a death in my family during mid-terms and finals that I didn't particularly study too well for.)

Also- since making this blog i've lost 5lbs! I'm pretty proud of myself, although I don't see any physical change yet. As much as I love seeing the numbers go down, the physical downsize is whats much more important to me. I've been going to the gym 5 days a week, Monday through Friday ( the weekends are much too busy) so hopefully I can look a lot better on the boardwalk down the shore this summer! Although I'm getting really tired of my workout. It consists of doing 2 miles on the elliptical, then about a half our of weight training, and then another mile either on the treadmill or the elliptical before I leave.

That's all I have for now!! The state of the Union is about to come on, and I have to watch it!

Have a great day guys!!

<3 Domenique

Saturday, January 21, 2012

I've Been Tagged!!

* just to let you guys know, I will make a new post very very very soon. Sorry I've been so MIA, but with the start of the new semester I've been focusing on that instead of this. I will post a nice long-ish post over the weekend! I have a lot to say! haha. Oh and Hello to my new followers!! It's so nice to have you guys =) *

I was tagged by a fellow Jersey girl blogger Pre-Med Princess you should check her out!! I love her blog. Thanks so much for tagging me Taylor!!

The Rules
1. You must post the rules.
2. Post eleven fun facts about yourself on the blog post.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and then create eleven new questions to ask the people you've been tagged.
4. Tag eleven people and link them in your post.
5. Let them know you've tagged them!!

My Eleven Fun Facts
1. I was a Girl Scout of the South Jersey Pines my entire life, yes, until I graduated high school. I think they've changed the way they map out the area of the Girl Scouts, but i'm proud to be a Piney Girl Scout =)
2. I was SUCH a bad student in high school. I honestly have no idea how I made it to college haha. But now that I'm in college I have a high GPA and doing really well. I think it atributes to the fact i'm studying the subject I actually care about. (History)
3. Speaking of college, since I started college ( Fall 2010) I've changed my major 3 times!! (i'm very indecisive) At first I was an Art major ( but lets be honest, I don't want to be living in the poor house after college, so I dumped that) Then I was a Sociology major ( didn't have a clue what I wanted to do with that) and then I chose the best major, the one that makes me so happy, History. I could honestly talk about history all day. Give me a country to talk about and I'll give you their war, economic and social history from 1300 to now.
4. I'm mixed. On my moms side i'm : Blackfoot Native American, British, Dutch. dads side: African American, English, Aboriginal Australian. People always ask me where I get my tan, and i'm like " uhhh, my parents?!" haha. But yes, i'm mixed, and I love having so many cultures to associate with.
5. My signature drink is a sex on the beach. I can't STAND it when people make it wrong.
6. Speaking of tanning, I tan like nobodies business in the summer. I can go from a yellow pale girl to a thanksgiving turkey-brown in a few hours. Just bring me to the shore, i'll show you =)
7. Since May 2011 I've lost 40lbs, i'm really proud of myself =)
8. I was raised a strict vegetarian my whole life. My mother was a vegetarian since the 70s, and never ate pork due to religious reasons ( old testament, even though we're Christians and not Jewish.) I just started eating Chicken, Turkey and seafood last summer. I don't think I can ever eat red meat or pork. It just skeeves me out.
9. I speak semi fluent Deutsch =)
10. I'm a HUGE baseball fan. Phillies only though. If they aren't in the world series, don't talk to me until the series is over. I will be in a terrible mood! haha
11. As much as I love Jersey, I want to move to the Carolina's when I get married and settle down, it's so lovely there.

Taylor's Questions!
1. When you were in elementary school, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Oh gosh. I wanted to be a number of things. I wanted to be a Pop star singer, lawyer and oceanographer (because I love dolphins). The oceanographer phase actually lasted from elementary school to early high school.
2. Now that you're grown up/almost grown up, what is your dream career that you are pursuing or wanting to pursue?
I want to be curator at a history museum. I always told myself that I would marry the guy who took me all the way down to D.C for a date at the Smithsonian's for a day. I could spend forever in a museum, and I think it would be fun to be the head of the museum and teach people how much fun history ( of any kind) is fun to learn.
3. What are five qualities that you require your future/hypothetical/present husband to have?
Kindness, compassion, religious, loving, and a Phillies fan =) ha.
4. If you could live anywhere in the United States, where would it be?
North or South Carolina seem so lovely. I'd also love to live in Southern California, Washington/Oregon or Maine.
5. What is one thing that you wish someone would have forewarned you about in life?
Choose your friends wisely. Just because you have a bunch of friends doesn't mean they're a bunch of good friends. Be more concerned with the quality than quantity.
6. If someone were writing a book about you, what do you think the best chapter would be about?
As of right now, my senior year of high school. I honestly had the best high school experience and went to a great high school where there really was no bullying. ( i'm serious when I say this, it was really rare. I never saw a person get bullied with my own eyes. My class were all around very accepting, good people.)
7. So you're sitting at a bar when this extremely handsome guy approaches you. He's very charming and you get along great, so you exchange numbers. As you're driving home, you are thinking about how excited you are to see him again when you suddenly see his face on a most wanted sign. What do you do?
CALL THE COPS. He could be the next Ted Bundy. If you're wanted so bad that you're on a most wanted sign, I'm assuming your the 2012 version of Ted Bundy.
8. If you could change one thing about society, what would it be?
Our expectation of beauty. It's so messed up and sad. You're never skinny enough, never pretty enough. Everyone forgets how photoshopped and airbrushed our favorite celebrities and models are on the covers of magazines.
9. List your three favorite books.
1.) Are you there Vodka? It's me, Chelsea.
2.) Crank
3.) The Perks of being a Wallflower
10. What is your favorite color highlighter?
Pink! Duh. =)
11. If you were given a loan to open a shop/boutique, what would you name it?
Oh goodness, I'm not sure, I'm not the best when it comes to witty names.
how about Rideaux en Boeuf?! ( it means high class in French)

Now, I'm tagging....
1. Jeannie from Que Sera Sera
2. Reese from Randomly Reese
3. Emmalee from Everyday Emalee
4. Snowy Mountains & Starry Skies
5. Sonya Kith
6. Jasmine from ! * LA BELLA VITA * !
7. Kalyn from Preppy In Pittsburgh
8. Classy from North to South
9. Kiss and Blush Makeup
10. Lacey from Southern in the City
11. Lyndsay from Lyndsay & Co.

So, girls, here are the questions! :)
1. Have you ever had a dream come true? If so, what was the dream and when did it come true? If not, tell me a dream that you want to come true one day.
2. If you had to live in any other country besides the one you currently live in, where would you live?
3. If you could only wear one item of makeup for the rest of your life, what would it be?!
4. What is your dream car and color you would want to have it in?
5. Who was your first celebrity crush? Who is it now?!
6. There is a moving being made about your life. What celebrity would you want to play you? Your parents? Your crush/boyfriend/husband? Your best friend? (
7. List your three favorite t.v shows
8. If you could be a horder of one thing, what would it be?
9. Describe your perfect date.
10. What is your pet peeve?!
11. What is your favorite quote?

Have fun!! If I didn't tag you and you want to do this, please do!! Let me know and I'll read it. Have fun darlings!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Hey! So I haven't posted in a few days. So lets hope my bloggin skills are good in this post. In my last post I just HAD to share that my favorite New Jersey housewife is now following me on twitter!! Once she followed me, I honestly had the best workout at the gym. ( motivation rocks.) I ran three miles! ( two at the beginning of the workout, then i went to toning, then another mile before I left the gym)
ps- if you want to follow me on twitter, i'm @domeniquenoelle =)
Since it was such a lovely day ( 60 degrees in jersey in january is almost never heard of, it felt amazing!! i wore flipflops for the first time since september.) I walked around a shopping center with my best friend Kassia, and I stumbled upon this gem. I must get it soon, to keep my drinks "fresh" haha. ( i'm really bad at puns if you can tell )

And then i FINALLY perfected the fishtail braid (on my friend mentioned above, kassia) I am seriously so proud of myself. Now I can actually braid my friend's hair ( mine is too short to do a fishtail.) Okay, short post and totally not good at all, but hey i'm new at this, give me a chance =)

Friday, January 6, 2012

Random mid day blog

I will post a full blog tonight but I wanted to share that Teresa from the Real Housewives of NJ is now following me on twitter!!!! Totally made my day :)
if you wanna follow me on twitter I'm @domeniquenoelle

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Back to the Grind

so, i'm going to the gym tomorrow. Future self in about 12 hours: if you didn't go to the gym already, GO! STOP BEING LAZY!
theres my reminder! hah
so today was pretty nice, i went to panera for lunch with an old friend from highschool. She told me about her college ( i'm considering transferring to her college) and we walked around the shopping plaza in my town.
but about the weight loss, lets start talking about this.
I am overweight, and I have been for a good chunk of my life ( since I was 8 and spent my first summer in Philadelphia. First time trying ALOT of different food that I would've never tried at home) and I want to be thin and most importantly HEALTHY again!!
Although I carry my weight well ( i've heard this all my life, but it's true. I don't have a double chin and my weight "looks good" on me, but nonetheless, it's totally not healthy, and diabetes and heart disease runs in my family, so no bueno)
But my gym is WONDERFUL! I love it because it's brand spankin new, not alot of people go there ( atleast at the times im there. at my old gym it was basically a high school reunion, no bueno again!) and they offer SO many classes ( zumba, yoga, step, etc) that are a part of my membership, I really need to get on the ball.

I'll let you know how everything goes tomorrow after my gym sesh =)

Ps- here is a picture of my ever so lovely friend Lauren playing at the pottery barn for kids :)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

first posting!!

Hi All!! This is my first time blogging as an adult ( in middle school i kept a livejournal and xanga account to detail everyone about my life, but alas i haven't blogged since I was 14) I've found so many amazing blogs on here that I wanted to start my own!! A little information:
My name is Domenique
I'm a Northern Belle who lives in South Jersey ( yes people, a VERY different place than North Jersey!!)
I absolutely love wine!
I'm a college student studying History.. I love it!
I'm a total beach bum
I'm also a city bum. ( i'm fortunate to live very close to both the beach and Philadelphia. Oh the wonders of a small state!)
I'm a Christian who wants to renew my faith. I really want to become more involved with the church and grow a better relationship with Jesus Christ.