Sunday, March 11, 2012

I'm Back!!

Hey everyone!! So clearly I've been slacking on the whole blogging ordeal. And I apologize!! It's been way over a month and I have no other excuse besides school and how much work I have- but now I'm on Spring Break and FINALLY have time to get back into the swing of things.
I have noticed that I have some new followers- welcome =) please let me know you're reading so I can check out your blog!!

So during my month hiatus, I turned 20, and celebrated at my absolute favorite mass chain- The Cheesecake Factory, unfortunately I didn't get a picture of the cheesecake I chose before I devoured it, but it was nonetheless delicious!

Valentines day was also a sucess! I've never had the greatest luck with guys, therefor I've never had a Valentine. Well, my super awesome best friend Zach decided that he wanted to take me out for Valentines day where we went to Red Stone Grill. It was fantastic, and I think we both looked snazzy.
Then a few weekends ago a big group of friends and I decided to go to this event in Philly called "Barcraft." I'll try to explain it the best I can. Starcraft is this game that alot of people play, I personally don't play it because I think it's "World Of Warcraft" type of game and I just don't have the time to even explore that. Anyway, the "best of the best" have this tournament, sort've live football and play against eachother across the country, and they host the event in bars so that anyone who wants to see it can just come in and see the games happen ( hense the name Barcraft.) Although It wasn't my cup of tea ( I had NO idea what was going on, I was there to enjoy the company of my friends) I had a blast. This is a picture of me with a wine glass waiting for the Subway in Philly- looking classy as ever. ( clearly, right?! just kidding :) )
Annnd just to throw in a wildcard here- a picture of me when I was little. The bandaged was from me grabbing a hot curling iron and then proceding to drop it on my leg. My dad told me this was my first time on drugs, which is why I look oh- so happy. ( I assume I was put on pain killers.)
Also- I've been applying to colleges, because lets face it, anyone whose ever been to community college hated it. I applied to Richard Stockton College and Rowan University (both in South Jersey, of course!) Hopefully, I'll get into Stockton ( my first choice) I haven't heard anything back yet, but I should hear from Stockton soon since I applied in mid- February. Please keep my college admissions process in your prayers/thoughts!!

Hopefully I'll check in again during my spring break ( and if I don't It means I didn't do anything- sad reality of my life sometimes. haha)

Have a fantastic week everyone !

xoxo Domenique

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